The first ever Zambian Cultural Exhibition in the Hellenic Repubic -in pictures

The Consulate of the Republic of Zambia in the Hellenic Republic with support under the auspices of the Mayor of Penteli and the Heritage & Museums (H&M) was proud to host a special event that took place 16th – 19th November, 2018 in Athens at the Melissia Cultural Center.

The 4 days event was graced with a multitude of official guests, representatives from the Greek State, who included Ministers in the Hellenic Republic, the Mayor of Penteli -Athens Mr. Demetrios Stergiou – Kapsalis, the Deputy Mayor of Penteli, Athens Mr. Dimosthenis Papakonstantinou, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hellenic Republic, President of Heritage & Museums Ms. Lila de Chaves, members of Diplomatic and Consular Corps, ladies from WIC (Women’s International Club), the Vice President of PAZZIMO (Pan Hellenic Association of Zimbabwe Zambia Malawi Mozambique) as well as higher representatives from the business, educational and cultural sectors not forgetting Zambians living in Greece and Greek families living in Zambia, proving a most memorable and cherished moment for all who where present.

The Honorary Consul of the Zambian Consulate in the Hellenic Republic Ms. Rose Chizi giving a speech


Secretary of the Zambian Consulate in the Hellenic Republic Mr. John Kourkoutas giving a speech


Guests at the Zambian Cultural Exhibition enjoying Zambian music performance by Racheal Botha


President of the Heritage & Museums Ms. Lila de Chaves giving a speech at the Zambian Cultural Exhibition


Deputy Mayor of Penteli, Athens Mr. Dimosthenis Papakonstantinou presenting Zambian singer Racheal Botha with flowers


Left to right: The Mayor of Penteli – Athens Mr. Demetrios Stergiou – Kapsalis , the Honorary Consul of the Zambian Consulate in the Hellenic Republic Ms. Rose Chizi, President of the Heritage & Museums Ms. Lila de Chaves and the Deputy Mayor of Penteli, Athens Mr. Dimosthenis Papakonstantinou


Left to Right: Personal Assistant to the Honorary Consul of the Zambian Consulate in the Hellenic Republic – Susan Mulenga Kally, the Honorary Consul of the Zambian Consulate in the Hellenic Republic Ms. Rose Chizi, Secretary to the Deputy Mayor of Penteli Ms. Georgia and one of the many attendees of the Zambian Cultural Exhibition.


The Honorary Consul of the Ethiopian Consulate in the Hellenic Republic Mrs Terina Kalogeropoulos-Armenakis


The Minister of Enviroment in the Hellenic Republic giving a speech at the First ever Zambian Cultural Exhibition in Athens


Secretary of the Zambian Consulate in the Hellenic Republic Mr. John Kourkoutas giving a speech


From the left is The Honorary Consul of the Ethiopian Consulate in the Hellenic Republic Mrs Terina Kalogeropoulos-Armenakis with other guests at the Zambian Cultural Exhibition


Art Historian Mr. Leontios Petmezas giving a presentation at the Zambian Cultural Exhibition


Presentation of Zambian traditional Fashion show by Zambian Fashion Designer Bwalya Silwamba


Presentation of Zambian traditional Fashion show by Fashion Designer Bwalya Silwamba


Left to Right: Secretary to the Deputy Mayor of Penteli Ms. Georgia, the Deputy Mayor of Penteli Mr. Dimosthenis Papakonstantinou and Personal Assistant to the Honorary Consul of the Zambian Consulate in the Hellenic Republic Susan Mulenga Kally.




Zambian Art on Exhibition


Zambian Cultural Exhibition


Zambian Poetry Books and tourism magazines on show at the Zambian Cultural Exhibition


Left to Right : President of the Cultural Center Ms. Yiota, Secretary of the Deputy Mayor of Penteli Ms. Georgia, the Deputy Mayor of Penteli Mr. Dimosthenis Papakonstantinou and the Personal Assistant to the Honorary Consul of the Zambian Consulate in the Hellenic Republic Susan Mulenga Kally

2018-12-16T23:31:24+02:00 December 16th, 2018|Consulate, Social|Comments Off on The first ever Zambian Cultural Exhibition in the Hellenic Repubic -in pictures